On Valentine's Day, flowers are a welcome sign of affection.
This specimen came by special delivery.
This specimen came by special delivery.
Sleeping not so soundly with the prospect of seven hours talking to parents today haunting my cerebellum, I am woken up at around five a.m. by the sound of drunk voices and the clunk of snowballs against my window. "Ulf Arschloch komm raus!" I hear and I know who's calling - the same three jerks who tried to bust our Alumni party last July, and with whom I got into a heated discussion on why I happened to not want alcoholic strangers lewding my guests. More snowballs fly and I bust out my door in boxer shorts wielding a baseball bat. The jerks decamp.
Ten minutes later, back in my bed, cerebellum challenged some more. Then a shout, a crash, splintering glass, a thud. The big flower pot in my garden has been launched as a missile against my window, busting the double paneling to splinters, and severed the wooden floor with an inch deep gash.
Ten minutes later, back in my bed, cerebellum challenged some more. Then a shout, a crash, splintering glass, a thud. The big flower pot in my garden has been launched as a missile against my window, busting the double paneling to splinters, and severed the wooden floor with an inch deep gash.
Ah, wilderness.

The hole left by the flower pot in my window resembling Jesus the Almighty -
A sure sign that He loves me.
A sure sign that He loves me.
doomed? But the day wasn't that bad, was it?
How are the plants?
Those bastards. I'm sure they all have a tiny penis and have to resort to violence in order to feel masculine.
Üble Geschichte - stimmt schon. Und sie scheint tragische Spuren hinterlassen zu haben, wenn du jetzt in die esoterisch-fundamental-christliche Ecke abdriftes und in einem Loch, das - mit größter Whrscheinlichkeit - einfach nur ein Loch ist, "Jesus the Almighty" siehst. Letzeres ist für sich genommen übrigens auch noch völliger theologischer Schwachsinn, da die Titulierung "Allmächtiger" eigentlich immer in Verbindung mit dem Vater gebraucht wird, nicht wie in diesem Falle mit dem Sohn. Aber was erwartet man schon von einem esoterischen Fundamentalisten!
wer zur hölle war das? ich hab davon irgendwie nichts mitgekriegt...
@ lieschen: no, actually it was all quite nice - especially the party in the evening made up for a lot.
@ Sammy: there were just a bunch of dried up herbs in there anyway.
@ Marieke: Yes, I feel the same way!
@ lasse: ja was erwartet man vom dem? keine ahnung, wenn ich eine treffe, frag ich ihn mal.
@ oscar: tja, augen auf beim blumenkauf.
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