Home: Die Werkstatt Südafrikablog: Kom die Kaap na!


Happy First Birthday

This blog has now been online for all of twelve months, has grown, flowered and prospered - and turned out to be something completely different than originally intended.

Oh well, you gotta go with the flow.

Thank you for all contributions, criticisms and comments both online and offline...and the cake.

Chocolate Cake á la Maya. Mhmmmm. Flavor Explosion Guaranteeed.

I hope to see you all again soon. And oh yeah - do bring your friends...:-)



Oscar said...

bully for you! :D
no, honestly... it's good to see that bloggers don't just come and go again ;)

Lieschen said...

so lange schon...echt? wäre mir gar nicht aufgefallen... aber ist doch schön! also ich werde auf jeden fall weiter deine posts lesen und natürlich (wie sollte es auch anders sein) kommentieren...also: HAPPY BIRTHDAY (an den Blog, versteht sich... ;) )